Jharkhand to Link Farmers with Mushroom Propagation
The Government of Jharkhand is preparing to add one more link in the chain of creating income source for farmers of the state. The Department of AgriRead More…
The Government of Jharkhand is preparing to add one more link in the chain of creating income source for farmers of the state. The Department of AgriRead More…
The regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular place is called as climate of that place. This regular pattern of weather conditions is conRead More…
The conditions of a habitat remain changing abruptly and periodically. Abrupt changes in environment often do not give time to an organism to get Read More…
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Energy is the basic force capable of running life. But, the sources of energy are running short. A dangerous situation of the shortage of energy hRead More…
Importance of Linseeds Tisi or the Flax Plant is also known as Linseed. It is botanically known as Linum usitatissimum and it belongs to the tRead More…
Tourists coming to Bihar will have to stay at nights in villages located near tourist spots. The villages located nearby tourist spots are to be dRead More…
Cyclones are extremely disastrous hazards that originate in seawater. These are usually followed by rains and wind of very high speed. In fact, thRead More…
According to the Global Agriculture Information Network of America the oil seed production of India during 2020-21 may increase up to considerable leRead More…