Governments Slow on Purchase of Rice
By this first week of December, paddy is coming home from fields in most of the states of India. The condition of U.P., Bihar, and Jharkhand are the Read More…
By this first week of December, paddy is coming home from fields in most of the states of India. The condition of U.P., Bihar, and Jharkhand are the Read More…
As per an assessment, about 600 million people inhabited urban areas of the world in the year 1950. But now urban areas have been recorded to be inhaRead More…
The consumption of the forest products is directly related to the lives of communities that live in forests or forest villages. Even all the humanRead More…
The tradition of cattle rearing is going to vanish in Jharkhand due to mechanization of agriculture. However, milk producers and dairy owners are Read More…
Each one of us may think that my food is my personal matter. You may say that you can eat whatever the food you wish to or whatever type of the fRead More…
Among mature boys and girls, it is a common belief that seeing a pair of myna birds is an indication of good love for the whole day. For one it isRead More…
In the new strategy of the Forest Management, local public is allowed to be involved in conservation and management of forests with the goverRead More…
An act was passed on December 18 in the year 2006 in order to safeguard the forest rights of traditional forest dwellers in India. This act is calledRead More…
Every autumn brings beautiful hue and colour to the skyline through annual metamorphosis of plants and trees visible in the form of new leaves. AtRead More…