How to manage our Natural Resources
Human activities have never been friendly to environment. The remains of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa signify that the civilization ended due to desertifRead More…
Human activities have never been friendly to environment. The remains of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa signify that the civilization ended due to desertifRead More…
Environment and its components like wildlife and Natural Resources constitute the vital life support system for all life on this planet. The protectiRead More…
The tragedies in the environment stimulated the world nations the recognition of which first appeared in the shape of the United Nations Conference oRead More…
A number of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or non-governmental agencies have been playing their important roles in spreading Environmental AwaRead More…
Following institutions have shaped the current era of globalization- (a) International Monetary Fund (IMF), (b) World Bank, and Read More…
On June 26, 1945 fifty-one; nations representing 80% of the world’s population approved and signed a charter for the establishment of a world body Read More…
The liberalization and the Globalization have brought a number of visible and invisible changes in the World Economy. Some of the visible changes areRead More…
The Environmental Calamities that shook the humanity during fifties and sixties were powerful enough to generate serious and widespread sense of respRead More…
Modern development has caused a number of environmental problems at local, regional, national and international levels. Global Climate Change, depletRead More…
Tick (P) the correct option 1. The condition of mixing unnatural and harmful substances in our natural resources is called – (Read More…