I. Advantages or merits of a Nuclear Family
(i). Privacy of individuals –
Privacy of a couple is maintained in this type of family. In other types, it is hard to maintain. It is in this type of family that people can adopt their own lifestyle and do whatever they wish. There is no one else to set any boundary for the family members to follow under strict rules.
(ii). Financial stability –
Financial stability is one of the strongest advantages in a nuclear family. Since expenses in this type of family remain limited, the nuclear family feels financially strong.
(iii). Freedom –
In a nuclear family, these are parents who set rules for children on the basis of values and morals they know about. There are no elders who set rules on the basis of their experiences, traditions etc. Hence, parents remain free to frame rules for the family on the basis of their own likes and dislikes. Thus there is much freedom for members in this type of family.
(iv). Easy movements–
A nuclear family has to faceless problems while shifting from a house or going elsewhere. One can manage his affairs without disturbing the lives of other people. Thus easy movement is one of the major advantages of a nuclear family.
(v). Minimum stress and discomfort –
A nuclear family do not cause stress and discomfort as members remain free in many ways. They do not get any additional reason for stress and difficulty except those that are generated by them.
II. Disadvantages or drawbacks of a nuclear family
(i). A nuclear family is too isolated and unconnected to elicit support or assistance during need or crisis.
(ii).The limited size of a nuclear family poses practical problems for child rearing and care. This condition specially emerges when parents work outside.
(iii).In this type of family children remain deprived of a wider social world, emotional bonding, love and affection that a joint family provides.
(iv). Old parents are left in the village or old age homes without personal care.
(v). Children of nuclear families usually lack the feeling of cooperation, sympathy, love, discipline etc. as they remain unconnected to customs, traditions, culture etc. of an ideal family.
(vi). There is probability of loss of the original traditions, and culture through a nuclear family.
(vii). since children of a nuclear family do not remain socially active, they become selfish and self centered.
(vii). Children of a nuclear family are prone to develop a feeling of loneliness and insecurity, and these feelings go a long way in developing complexes in them.