Book Review
This book on Environmental Education is specially meant for the Teachers
- Who remain worried for the increasing environmental problems at local, regional, national and global levels;
- Who have commitments for doing something or everything for averting harmful conditions in the environment;
- Who wish to transform their students into teams of researchers, surveyors, scientists, environmental workers or even just the volunteers committed to stand fast and work harder for averting the bad impacts of activities of the human race which tends to threaten the flora, fauna, and natural settings of the Physical Environment;
- Who feel pains in their hearts on increasing inequalities in terms of distribution of resources, in terms of gender, poverty, displacements, drowning people due to floods and rising sea- levels; and
- Who dislike imparting environmental education merely to enable students pass their examinations, and to do projects on the basis of downloaded matter suggested by himself instead of going deep into the environment through actual scientific methods- identifying problems, assessing their seriousness, and coming out with some genuine and fruitful solutions.
· This book has been prepared in two colours in the International Style of designing and printing;
· It has been prepared as per the syllabi of CBSE / ISC incorporating the latest national and global information, data and records;
· The book contains sufficient matter presented in a very comprehensive style on every aspect of the syllabi of CBSE/ ISC and incorporates easy but important examples on each aspect;
· The language of the book is easy to understand for even an average or below average student. It has a steady flow in every part of the book. The author has tried to present, define, discuss and explain even the easiest things in the style of an expert teacher, who while teaching comes down to the level of students and talks to them like a closest, honest and helping friend;
· The whole book has been appropriately illustrated with uncommon and rare photographs, flow charts, tables and diagrams;
· Care has been taken to use only the best, appropriate, wanted, necessary but rare illustrations, those too in sufficient number;
· The book contains original and latest facts; appropriate, easy and well worded definitions and easy to understand examples. The matter has been presented in a style to stimulate among students the true love for nature and to encourage the readers to become a real environmentalist;
· The content of the book through all the chapters incorporates Standard Questions and Exercises. Questions have been printed under different categories so as to facilitate the students to prepare well for various examinations in the easiest way. The entire coverage of questions is unique for the book due to which it becomes unique for even those who prepare for competitive examinations;
· The content of the book is so designed that it becomes very useful for various academic, vocational and professional courses also;
· The Projects and Investigative Studies- section of each chapter has been prepared on the basis of Exemplar Activities suggested in the syllabi. It is meant for students to make them do real investigations and researches rather than facilitating them in copying out or preparing imaginary reports and presenting in their examinations.
If teachers and students follow the spirit and instructions of this section they can never sit idle. Rather, they will have to move outside their classrooms for surveys, samplings, data- collection, interviews, etc. and to do lots of works in laboratories before declaring the result or solution of the projects they undertake. No activity in this book allows students to produce imaginary project reports just after going through some magazines or downloaded internet materials. All the projects are so designed that they are based on local specific examples as enshrined in the spirit of syllabi.
It is the opinion of the author that doing a project or preparing a Project Report on Bhopal Gas Victims without personal visits to Bhopal and practical contacts with victims is meaningless as most of the books available on the subject suggest our students just for their commercial gains.
· Specific boxes have been placed here and there in the contents of different chapters of the book. These boxes contain outstanding and most important facts about environment that must be known to every intelligent student.

This book on Environmental Education is specially meant for the Teachers
- Who remain worried for the increasing environmental problems at local, regional, national and global levels;
- Who have commitments for doing something or everything for averting harmful conditions in the environment;
- Who wish to transform their students into teams of researchers, surveyors, scientists, environmental workers or even just the volunteers committed to stand fast and work harder for averting the bad impacts of activities of the human race which tends to threaten the flora, fauna, and natural settings of the Physical Environment;
- Who feel pains in their hearts on increasing inequalities in terms of distribution of resources, in terms of gender, poverty, displacements, drowning people due to floods and rising sea- levels; and
- Who dislike imparting environmental education merely to enable students pass their examinations, and to do projects on the basis of downloaded matter suggested by himself instead of going deep into the environment through actual scientific methods- identifying problems, assessing their seriousness, and coming out with some genuine and fruitful solutions.
· This book has been prepared in two colours in the International Style of designing and printing;
· It has been prepared as per the syllabi of CBSE / ISC incorporating the latest national and global information, data and records;
· The book contains sufficient matter presented in a very comprehensive style on every aspect of the syllabi of CBSE/ ISC and incorporates easy but important examples on each aspect;
· The language of the book is easy to understand for even an average or below average student. It has a steady flow in every part of the book. The author has tried to present, define, discuss and explain even the easiest things in the style of an expert teacher, who while teaching comes down to the level of students and talks to them like a closest, honest and helping friend;
· The whole book has been appropriately illustrated with uncommon and rare photographs, flow charts, tables and diagrams;
· Care has been taken to use only the best, appropriate, wanted, necessary but rare illustrations, those too in sufficient number;
· The book contains original and latest facts; appropriate, easy and well worded definitions and easy to understand examples. The matter has been presented in a style to stimulate among students the true love for nature and to encourage the readers to become a real environmentalist;
· The content of the book through all the chapters incorporates Standard Questions and Exercises. Questions have been printed under different categories so as to facilitate the students to prepare well for various examinations in the easiest way. The entire coverage of questions is unique for the book due to which it becomes unique for even those who prepare for competitive examinations;
· The content of the book is so designed that it becomes very useful for various academic, vocational and professional courses also;
· The Projects and Investigative Studies- section of each chapter has been prepared on the basis of Exemplar Activities suggested in the syllabi. It is meant for students to make them do real investigations and researches rather than facilitating them in copying out or preparing imaginary reports and presenting in their examinations.
If teachers and students follow the spirit and instructions of this section they can never sit idle. Rather, they will have to move outside their classrooms for surveys, samplings, data- collection, interviews, etc. and to do lots of works in laboratories before declaring the result or solution of the projects they undertake. No activity in this book allows students to produce imaginary project reports just after going through some magazines or downloaded internet materials.
All the projects are so designed that they are based on local specific examples as enshrined in the spirit of syllabi. It is the opinion of the author that doing a project or preparing a Project Report on Bhopal Gas Victims without personal visits to Bhopal and practical contacts with victims is meaningless as most of the books available on the subject suggest our students just for their commercial gains.
· Specific boxes have been placed here and there in the contents of different chapters of the book. These boxes contain outstanding and most important facts about environment that must be known to every intelligent student.
· This book incorporates a unique section entitled “WEB-LINKS” which contains web-links to all the important institutions on national and international levels that are associated with the protection and preservation of the global environment.
It is a new and trendsetter step in the field of modern book publishing. Observing the changes in the teaching- learning processes, use of latest technologies in teaching in advanced institutes and centres of excellence, the author of this book has marched ahead in this new direction so as to open the world environment before readers of the book through computers and the internet.