Home Stay – A Project to be launched in Bihar
Tourists coming to Bihar will have to stay at nights in villages located near tourist spots. The villages located nearby tourist spots are to be dRead More…
Tourists coming to Bihar will have to stay at nights in villages located near tourist spots. The villages located nearby tourist spots are to be dRead More…
According to the Global Agriculture Information Network of America the oil seed production of India during 2020-21 may increase up to considerable leRead More…
By this first week of December, paddy is coming home from fields in most of the states of India. The condition of U.P., Bihar, and Jharkhand are the Read More…
The tradition of cattle rearing is going to vanish in Jharkhand due to mechanization of agriculture. However, milk producers and dairy owners are Read More…
In the new strategy of the Forest Management, local public is allowed to be involved in conservation and management of forests with the goverRead More…
Every autumn brings beautiful hue and colour to the skyline through annual metamorphosis of plants and trees visible in the form of new leaves. AtRead More…
A new technique of carbon fixation is reported to solve the problem of pollution due to burning of rice stumps. This technique is Carbon Fixation. Read More…
In view of offering right price to vegetable growers and making their business free from mediators, the Government of Jharkhand (India) is in a mood Read More…
Traders have turned faces against Chinese goods this Diwali season. It has increased the hopes of Soil Workers (Potters) in India. Soil workers orRead More…
The Romance Sanctuary of Characters of Mahua Maji’s Novel- “Marang Goda Neelkanth Hua” the Saranda Forest of Jharkhand is also an undeclared BiRead More…