Questions and Answers on Reproduction Biology Class X
1. What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction? Ans. (i) DNA copying is important for causing variations. &nbRead More…
1. What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction? Ans. (i) DNA copying is important for causing variations. &nbRead More…
When a new plant is developed or caused to develop through stem, root or leaf the method is called as vegetative reproduction. In other words, vegetaRead More…
There are two types of reproduction– Asexual ReproductionSexual Reproduction In asexual reproduction sex organs don’t take part. Hence,Read More…
Living beings have many processes in common. Among all the common processes there is one very interesting and wonderful process which is called asRead More…
IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS Control and coordination: Such bio-chemical and physiological management of body through which body activities remain in Read More…
ASSESSMENT: NCERT QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS 1. What is difference between reflex action and walking? &nbRead More…
Adrenal Gland The ductless gland found on kidney is called as adrenal gland. Each kidney has an adrenal gland on it. This gland is also callRead More…
1. Pituitary Gland This is a pea sized major endocrine gland. It is protected by a boney cavity called Sella turcica of the sphenoid bone. It is aRead More…
Image : Endocrine Systems of Male and Female Human body credit-NCERT Control and Coordination in animals are performed by the activities of differRead More…
Phototropism The positive movements of a plant shoot in response to light or movement of shoot towards the source of light is called as PhototropiRead More…