What is Ozone layer? How is it depleted and what are the control measures?
The depletion of ozone layer is one of the Global Issues of environment related to atmosphere and air pollution. But what is ozone? How is it formed?Read More…
The depletion of ozone layer is one of the Global Issues of environment related to atmosphere and air pollution. But what is ozone? How is it formed?Read More…
When acid forming primary pollutants like SO2, H2S and NOx move through atmosphere, they encounter a number of solid particles and water vapour movinRead More…
Our environment today is facing a number of problems. All those problems are causing dangers to take shape against the existence of the whole biospheRead More…
Environment Environment may be defined as ‘Complete range of various sets of external conditions comprising- physical, biological, and for humanRead More…
We have been hearing about environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity, energy crisis, and the sustainable environment since long. So many things hRead More…
Birds are highly adapted, colourful, and skilled creatures of nature. They carry considerable variations in morphological features, distribution, repRead More…
Living beings have many processes in common. Among all the common processes there is one very interesting and wonderful process which is called as reRead More…
The term animal has its origin from the Latin word animalis which means one who has breath. This word is usually applied for the non-human Read More…
An area or structure that protects animals from adverse conditions is called an animal shelter. Different kinds of animals need different types of shRead More…
INTRODUCTION: LIVING BEING All those processes that maintain the body of an organism collectively are called as life processes. These processes prRead More…