Questions on Planning for Environmental Conservation and Protection



Tick the correct option

1. DPSIR or “drivers, pressures, state, impact, response” framework for environmental indicators has been designed by –

(a). UNEP         (b). OECD         (c). UNICEF     (d). UNDP

2. The reaction of human society to the environmental issue are measured by –

(a). bio-indicator        (b). response indicator (c). economic indicator (d). system indicator

3. Changes in the state of individual, local and national economies are indicated by –

(a). physical indicator (b). economic indicator (c). bio-indicator(d). poverty indicator

4. Simplification, quantification and communication are functions of –

(a). ecosystem            (b). industry               (c). environmental indicator   (d). soil indicator

5. The process through which the structure of a biological community evolves over time is called as-

(a). Photosynthesis     (b). Response             (c). Succession                   (d). Climax

6. The sequential progression of species during succession is –   not random.

(a). Random               (b). Sequential           (c). Linear (d). Variable

7. Primary succession occurs in –  

(a). Fertile areas         (b). Ecosystems          (c). Aquatic zones                 (d). Lifeless areas

8.The technique of Environmental Audit was formulated in –

(a). California            (b). New Delhi           (c). Nepal                   (d). Moscow

9.When was Environmental Audit introduced in India?

(a).1991                     (b). 1992           (c). 1993                     (d). 1994

10. Rapid appraisals are quick actions that can be done at relatively – 

(a). Low cost              (b). High cost             (c). Minimum cost                 (d). None of these

11. The Brundtland Report came in the year –

(a).1981                     (b). 1986           (c). 1987                     (d). 1991

12. The Union Carbide Factory where a major gas leakage accident occurred in the past is located in –

(a). India           (b). USA           (c). England                        (d). Bhutan

13. Earth Summit that was held in Rio de Janeiro was held in the year –

(a). 1991            (b). 1992            (c). 1993                    (d). 1987

14. The first formal activity of Environmental Impact Assessment is –

(a). Scooping     (b). Screening            (c). Baseline study         (d). Monitoring


1. Expand DPSIR framework.

2. Who has designed DPSIR framework?

3. Write expanded form of NEPA.

4. What is the process through which the structure of a biological community evolves over time

5.When was the Brundtland Report published?    

6.Where did the catastrophic accident took place in 1986 in Ukraine?

 7.Write full form of EIA.

8. In which year was the World Commission on Environment and Development sponsored? 

 9.When was the potential role of Environmental Impact Assessment in attaining sustainable development objectives explicitly recognised? 

10. Which is the first formal activity in Environment and Social Impact Assessment?


1. The biosphere has been composed of a number of highly complex ecosystems. What are these?

2.What is an environmental indicator?

3.Write any two uses of Environment Indicator.

4.Mention any two important points that need to be remembered while using environment Indicators.

5. Write any one basic function of environment Indicator.

6.What is Environmental Succession?

7. What is System Resilience?

8. What is Primary Succession?

9. What is Secondary Succession?

10. Define Environmental Audit.

11. Define Environmental Impact Assessment.

12. What is Environmental Monitoring?

13.What is Baseline Study?

14. What is scooping?

15. What is impact prediction?

16. What is Environmental Impact Assessment?

17.How is Environmental Monitoring done in an Environment?


1. What is Ecosystem Analysis? What are the principles on which is it based?

2. What are Environmental indicators? What are its various types? Mention some important uses of Environmental Indicators

3.What is Succession? What are its types? Explain with examples.

4.How are system responses predicted and assessed to impacts and their interventions?

5. What are various Approaches and techniques of Environment and Social Impact Assessment?

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