Many food items in India have some special values. These food items not only provide us many nutrients, they provide us many phytochemicals that protect our bodies from many external factors as well.
Many of these phytochemicals protect us from seasonal infections and make our body ready to face many challenges to our health. Here are four general types of food items that have particular values and provide our body power to stand against falling temperature in winter and keep our body warm.
Experts are of the opinion that honey has warm nature. This is the reason why health experts of all sections advice to take honey.
The phytonutrients and anti-oxidants found in honey are very useful for our bodies. The anti-oxidants found in honey protect our body from different infections and keep it warm in natural ways.
Honey is reported to have anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. It has been used in traditional practice for about 8ooo years.
It heals wounds and burns. It is helpful in controlling diarrhea and preventing acid reflux. It helps in stress management, stomach ulcers, asthma, sleep disorders, burns and arthritis.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale, family: Zingiberaceae)
Experts say that ginger has thermogenic properties. This is why ginger is used in making tea also. It keeps the body warm and boosts our metabolism.
Ginger is reported to aid in good circulation of blood in our bodies.
Ginger is used in many ways in our food. It protects our body from many types of infections and helps in the digestion of food.
Ginger contains Gingerol which has powerful medicinal properties. It is main bio-active compound. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and it is powerful anti-oxidant also. It reduces oxidative stresses in bodies.
Ginger has been reported to help in osteoarthritis. It is helpful in reducing type-2 diabetes. It helps in chronic indigestion and reduces menstrual pain.
Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum, family: Lamiaceae)
The extract of tulsi protects our bodies from many types of infections. It is also helpful for heart, liver, kidney and skin. Researchers have proved that it contains vitamin c and Zinc in sufficient amount.
Experts report that its extract has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.
Intake of Tulsi extract relieves pain. The anti-oxidants found in Tulsi are not only useful for health; these are helpful for skin and hair also. It contains nutrients like iron, calcium, vitamin A etc.
Tulsi extract helps our brain also.
The detoxifying effects of tulsi extract are helpful for teeth. The Tulsi extract corrects the blood sugar level also up to some extent.
Jaggery is produced from cane sugar by boiling the cane juice for longer period. The nutrients found in Jaggery help in keeping body healthy.
Intake of Jaggery strengthens digestive system and protects liver. Anti-oxidants found in it support immune system.
Zinc and Selenium found in Jaggery protect our bodies from free radicals.
It is to be noted that free radicals decrease ageing. It purifies blood. It contains folate, potassium, and Sodium in sufficient amounts.
These elements cover up the shortage of blood and regulate blood pressure.
Jaggery provides instant energy to body. Experts are of the opinion that milk; turmeric and Jaggery, if taken regularly improve immunity and provide strength to bones.