Yes, 24th January is the memory day of Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhabha. He was died in a plane accident. Though it was an accident people have different opinions about it. He is called as the Father of India’s Atomic Programme. It is accepted that India would have been a country of Atomic Power if Dr. Bhabha had lived the accident. His death was considered as suspicious

Besides being India’s great scientist Dr. Bhabha was the father of India’s Atomic Programme. He made India an atomic country when the world was engaged in cold war and impacts of competition for atomic weapons were discussed. Bhabha too identified bad impacts of atomic weapons and realized the need of making India an atomic country. But his doubtful death indicated towards a high-level conspiracy.

Homi Jahangir Bhabha was borne in a Parsi family on 30th October 1909. He started mechanical engineering at the age of 18th year. Later he inclined towards Physics. So, after becoming a mechanical engineer he started research in Physics and opted nuclear energy as his main subject.
It is claimed that if Bhabha had not died, India would have become a great power in the nuclear field. Many scientists consider that India would have become a nuclear power in the decade of 1960.

Bhabha died at an early age of only 56 on 24th January 1966. He was travelling in flight 101 of Air India. The plane crashed on mount Blank of Alpes Mountain range on the border of France and Italy. The authoritative reason of the accident was told that a confusion was created between the location of the pilot and Geneva air port.
It is said that the accident in which he died was sponsored. America had very much doubt and objection on India’s Atomic Programme. CIA of America is said to have conspired for this accident so that India’s Atomic Programme may not progress- though it could not be proved.
When Dr. Bhabha died, the condition of India was such that it demanded nuclear power. After a war in 1965 India needed to be empowered with military and strategy. There was concrete reason before America that India would become a nuclear power.

There are many statements about the accident on which no care was taken. Many people considered that conditions for the accident were planned. Some people say that a big explosion had occurred in the plane while some people consider that the plane was attacked by any missile of fighter plane. It is true that the accident was not inspected on any basis.
There are many reasons that support these reasons. There was a gap of 13 days between the death of Prime Minister Lala Bahadur Shastri and Bhabha. Both died under doubtful conditions. Nothing could be proved about the plane that crashed. Some proofs about the accident had appeared in 2017. A researcher had found human parts on Mount Blank. These remains were considered to be the remains of 1966 of the Air India crash.