Flow of Energy in an Ecosystem
Energy is the basis of the whole biosphere. Both the living beings and the non-livings contain energy. That energy is hidden in between atoms and Read More…
Energy is the basis of the whole biosphere. Both the living beings and the non-livings contain energy. That energy is hidden in between atoms and Read More…
The flow of nutrients in ecosystem takes place in cyclic pathways through food chains, food webs and bio-geo-chemical cycles. Food Chain Flow oRead More…
Green plants and trees that synthesize their own food are called as Autotrophs. Others who depend on them are called as Heterotrophs. There areRead More…
Living beings are found across the earth. The total area where living beings are found is called as biosphere. It can be divided into many small iRead More…
The unit of biosphere having all the components producers, consumers and decomposers and the abiotic components together with physical factors in dynRead More…
The biosphere is itself a vast ecosystem which incorporates all the small ecosystems. But, the biosphere may have different types of physical conditiRead More…
Wildlife conservation strategies and methods are adopted, i.e., flora and fauna. The principal strategy involves in-situ conservation and ex-situ conRead More…
The Underlying Causes of species loss include International Trade in animal body parts, timber, and traditional medicinal plants and their parts;&nbsRead More…
Species become endangered due to both natural and anthropogenic causes. Since man has no control over natural causes, we should consider anthropogeniRead More…
Biodiversity sources and also other sources supply raw materials to many important industries. They have aesthetic value and an appeal for ecotourRead More…