Animal Husbandry and Milch Cattle
We rear and take care of animals to take their support in food production. Their systematic and proper rearing and also the arrangement for their proRead More…
We rear and take care of animals to take their support in food production. Their systematic and proper rearing and also the arrangement for their proRead More…
The term animal has its origin from the Latin word animalis which means one who has breath. This word is usually applied for the non-human members ofRead More…
Animals can be categorized mainly into two categories- domestic, and wild. However, the domestic animals that live under wild conditions are called FRead More…
Most animals of the same kind have same body parts. But their body parts differ in size, shape, colour and functions. They have different types of seRead More…
The Conservation Status of Biodiversity is usually known through the comprehensive Inventory prepared periodically by the IUCN, the International UniRead More…
Wildlife conservation strategies and methods are adopted, i.e., flora and fauna. The principal strategy involves in-situ conservation and ex-situ conRead More…
The Underlying Causes of species loss include International Trade in animal body parts, timber, and traditional medicinal plants and their parts;&nbsRead More…
Species become endangered due to both natural and anthropogenic causes. Since man has no control over natural causes, we should consider anthropogeniRead More…
Biodiversity sources and also other sources supply raw materials to many important industries. They have aesthetic value and an appeal for ecotourRead More…
Species can be classified in many different ways. One species classification system may categorise species into Typological, evolutionary, and phylogRead More…