The route of environment problems and Sustainable World
The processes of development through years have spurred on unplanned urbanization, extensive industrialization followed by different types of pollutiRead More…
The processes of development through years have spurred on unplanned urbanization, extensive industrialization followed by different types of pollutiRead More…
Environment and its components like wildlife and Natural Resources constitute the vital life support system for all life on this planet. The protectiRead More…
Modern development has caused a number of environmental problems at local, regional, national and international levels. Global Climate Change, depletRead More…
Fossil fuels- coal, petroleum and natural gas, are sources of energy and lots of useful substances. They have been and still they are the back bones Read More…
Cattle dung has been used in India to sweep cutcha houses and to make cakes for burning in kitchens. One of the best uses of dung is for making compoRead More…
Ocean is a vast natural resource of water. These have also been examined in the search for alternate sources of energy-generation. For example, graviRead More…
Biogas is a mixture of 56% methane gas (CH4), 40% carbon dioxide (C02) and rest, a mixture of H2, H2S and N2. It is produced by digestion, PyrolyRead More…
The dry weight of organic matter produced by plants, their derivatives and wastes are called as BIOMASS. The biomass includes crop residues, plant paRead More…
Growing economic activity i.e., production and consumption, requires larger inputs of energy and material, and generates larger quantities of waste bRead More…
Since the World War II, the life styles of human beings the world over have changed considerably. Now human beings are inclined on more and more consRead More…