Biogas and Biogas Plant
Biogas is a mixture of 56% methane gas (CH4), 40% carbon dioxide (C02) and rest, a mixture of H2, H2S and N2. It is produced by digestion, PyrolyRead More…
Biogas is a mixture of 56% methane gas (CH4), 40% carbon dioxide (C02) and rest, a mixture of H2, H2S and N2. It is produced by digestion, PyrolyRead More…
The dry weight of organic matter produced by plants, their derivatives and wastes are called as BIOMASS. The biomass includes crop residues, plant paRead More…
Ecosystem analysis (EFA) was originally developed for monitoring rangelands for the purpose of sustainable development and maintenance of biodiversitRead More…
New Technologies are developed for improving and increasing industrial production. Similarly, new projects are formulated for providing energy to thoRead More…
The development in all sectors of a country is essential to feed its growing numbers and to feed and to make the country prosperous. However, it shouRead More…
Humans have been adding to the variety of native plants by introducing other plants from different countries. These introduced plants are termed as eRead More…
What happens when we add our waste to the Environment? Substances that are thrown out to some place due to their uselessness or excreted out of ouRead More…
Tiger Population falls down to zero in Jharkhand We have damaged ecosystems in the name of development. Wildlife too is facing danger. Our activitRead More…
New Technologies are developed for improving and increasing industrial production. Similarly, new projects are formulated for providing energy to thoRead More…
Human activities of pollution are modifying the natural process of green house effect. The advent of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s boosted uRead More…