The scarcity of oxygen and the need of producing more and more oxygen! We may think for sometime about it. But, everyone knows that life is not possible without it.
Life is lost if oxygen is lost. The corona pandemic in its second episode has taught it properly. Not a single family remained left that has not thought about oxygen seriously. A cylinder of oxygen, an oxygen plant, oxygen concentrator, and even the oxygen train remained talks of the day. Scarcity of oxygen remains an important issue from the High Court to the Supreme Court. Even the government system was one time worried seriously to solve the problem. Now, we must prepare for the future so that such conditions may not be repeated.
About two decades ago, we often took it lightly when a person said, “After some years, water for drinking will have to be purchased even in Indian villages.” We used to think that we are in the country of rivers, ponds and lakes. How can it become possible for us? Now, we are passing through the same condition. Now, water bottles are being sold in the Indian villages. Now, we are purchasing water for drinking.
If we don’t become alert for oxygen, we will have to purchase clean air for breathing in coming few decades. Every house will have its own oxygen concentrator. Pure oxygen may become a gift item in cities. It has been started in some industrial cities of the world. In Delhi and in some other cities senior citizens have to migrate to such cities in winter where the air is clean. Machines have been started to be sold to purify the oxygen of the atmosphere.
In India Jharkhand state is comparatively in a better condition to have sufficient green area. The atmosphere of many of its cities is still free from poisonous gases. Basically, the village areas are in totally safe conditions. All these conditions have been generated by our ancestors. Now the people of the state are responsible to carry on the green heritage.
The total forest cover of Jharkhand is 26,611sq km. Forests with more than 70% density are spread in 2,605sq km. Forests with general density are spread in 96,871 sq km whereas forest cover beyond forests is 2,657sq km.
Data reveal that Jharkhand state has sufficient forest area. The Government report shows that forest area of the state after its constitution has increased up to some extent, but the dense forest area is still limited and it is confined in about 11%. So, compensatory forestation is the need of the day.
Numerous aged trees and even newly planted trees have been cut off during broadening of roads and construction of high ways. All these losses are to be recovered by fresh plantation. Banyan, Peepal, Arjun etc are considered to provide high supply of oxygen. So, during this corona period, it has been decided by the people to plant these trees where ever it is possible. Those who do not find place for planting trees can plant small plants in flower pots etc. Giloy, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, and many others are such plants that can be grown in pots.

Tulsi Plant