Sustainable Agriculture as Meant in the Indian Agricultural Policy

Enviroment Enviromental Education For JTET/CTET

According to the Policy Document of Indian Agriculture Policy, Agriculture in India is a way of life, a tradition, which, for centuries, has shaped the thought, the outlook, the culture and economic life of Indians. Therefore, agriculture in India is central to all strategies for its planned socio-economic development. A fast agricultural growth is essential in order to achieve self-reliance, household food security; and in order to bring about equity in distribution of income and wealth that may result into a fast reduction in poverty levels.

For Agriculture, to be made Sustainable, following aims have been fixed in the Indian National Agriculture Policy, to achieve within a period of twenty years-

o        A Growth Rate in Excess of 4 percent per year in the agriculture sector;

o        The growth in agriculture should be based on efficient use of resources and conservation of soil, water and biodiversity;

o        Agricultural growth must be equitable i.e. it must be widespread across regions and farmers;

o        The agricultural growth should be demand-driven growth, and it should cater to domestic markets and should maximize benefits from export of agricultural products in the face of challenges arising from economic liberalization and globalization;

o        The agricultural growth should be technologically, environmentally and economically sustainable.

Under the programme of Sustainable Agriculture, the Government of India, accords abiding importance for improving the quality of country’s land and soil resources through a number of national programmes. The Government is inclined to promote the rational utilization and conservation of its water resources, and to offer highest priority to the conjunctive use of surface and ground water.

According to the policy, the use of biotechnology will be promoted for evolving plants that consume less water, are drought resistant, pest resistant, contain more nutrition, give higher yields and are safe in view of environment. High priority to the sensitization of the farming community with the environmental concern is to be given Balanced and conjunctive use of bio-mass,, organic and inorganic fertilizers and controlled use of other agro-chemicals through integrated nutrient and pest-management is to be promoted to achieve the sustainable increases in agricultural production.

The traditional knowledge of agriculture enshrined in tribal communities and also in other communities is to be explored, encouraged and developed through various methods. The agriculture is to be protected from natural calamities and preventive efforts are to be made through the application of remote sensing technologies in different aspects of agriculture.

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