
Take care of Body Joints


The comfortable life style has reduced mobility of men, women, and children. The lock down during COVID-19 period has restricted human movement up to greater extent. Under these conditions arthritis may become a reason behind problems of joints.

Swelling or tenderness of one or more joints is called arthritis. Pain of joints and congestion or stiffness is the main symptom of arthritis. It worsens with age. Common types of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

The Osteoarthritis is caused by normal wear and tear which is most common form of arthritis. This natural breakdown of cartilage tissue can be exacerbated by an infection or injury in the joints.

Autoimmune disorder is another common form of rheumatoid arthritis. When our immune system attacks the tissues of the body, this problem occurs. This condition affects the synovium which is a soft tissue in our joints and produces a fluid that nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the joints.

People have been restricted inside their homes due to changing life styles and repeated lock downs. Many persons have started facing problems of joints due to restricted movements. Since most of the body weight rests on knees, knees are most vulnerable to pain and congestion. Reduced physical activities lead to problems of different joints that may lead to arthritis.

About two decades ago arthritis usually attacked in the long age say 60 and above. But, now changes in eating and sitting styles are causing problems of joints and stiffness of muscles at any age. The problem of arthritis is of many types but the pain in knees is one of the serious problems.

Restricted Movements

Arthritis is a problem mainly associated with joints of different organs. It basically affects joints of fingers, shoulders, hips etc. These joints are affected by swellings, inflammations, severe pain and serious congestion that blocks movement of organs. If these problems are not taken care of, all types of movements become painful experiences after a long time.

The Better way to prevent arthritis is obeying the rule of 3ps. First is the physiotherapy, second is precaution and third is posture. Viewing television, working on computer or on laptop or using other gadgets demands proper postures.

Self help is essential

If anyone is suffering from arthritis, he should start physiotherapy. He or she should take help from a physiotherapist for some days and later he or she should go on the same style on own. This will not only protect from any possible infection, this will offer peace to mind as well.

Since arthritis affects knees especially, one should avoid climbing stairs again and again. Walking should preferably done on earth. Road and other type of terrain for walking may create additional problems at times.

Treatment is possible

Medical doctors are of the opinion that arthritis can be cured. It can be cured through physical therapies, injections, and medicines. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) can improve damage to cartilage.

Reduce Weight and Go for Exercise

  • One should get rid of alcohol,
  • One should avoid fast food,
  • Uric acid tests should be taken from time to time,
  • Exercise regularly,
  • Don’t neglect problem of joints or knees.

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