Works may be classified in two major categories
- Works that are done inside houses, and
- Works that are done outside house.
Works done inside houses include works related to livelihood, child rearing, some small scale industries, human services, office works and indoor plays etc. If a housewife or a maid is working in the kitchen, or sweeping floors these are inside works. Most of the time children from outside are employed in this type of work.
These child Labourers are no treated properly and are deprived of their right to education. Many school going girls and even college going girls take employment as in-house workers in their part times to earn for their living and for their education too. Though our governments are offering free education to these girls, these girls often work on their will to earn their pocket money.
Works outside houses relate to sports, bird watching, wildlife conservation, social works, works in different public and private sectors, hospitals, different industries etc. Some of these works like playing and bird-watching are not connected to any economic gain. However, there are professional players who play and earn money. Works related to wildlife conservation, and social works may not be paying, however works in private sectors, and in hospitals etc are paying.

In the first category there exist some outside workers like maids, nurses, part- timers, tutors, assistant gardeners etc. Some child labors including girls from poor families are often employed by house owners to work inside their houses. This is an illegal activity on the part of house owners who exploit these children of their future and deprive them of education.
Poor families including children of school going age use to migrate for work in other states or in the same state to earn livelihood from many areas of India. These children migrate with their parents and are routed by particular agents to other states. These children are most often exploited at different places and are harassed sexually. Some of the states especially quoted by social workers in this connection are Jharkhand, U.P., M.P., Orissa etc.
People from the rural areas of India and outside started going out or migrating for work during the onset of Industrial Revolution. They joined cities and got employed as labourers in different cotton mills, metal factories and mines. These people started living in groups in outskirts of cities in temporary sheds. Gradually numerous unplanned colonies Jhuggies and Jhoparies clusters were built and people lived in very dirty conditions in them.
These were places from where a number of hardcore criminals came up. However, the governments in fear of frequent fires and losses that occurred from time to time in Jhuggies thought to relocate these slums by building houses.
work, inside, outside